With Love 2021 Virtual Fundraiser

2020 is behind us, and 2021 is showing signs of a brighter future ahead!


As we celebrate 8 years of With Love’s impact in the Portland foster care community, we anticipate another fantastic year.

It was May 27 at 6:00 pm. The sitter was set to arrive any minute and my “non-sweat pants clothes” were laid out on my bed, ready to be worn (after not being used so much this past year!) I was anticipating a very fun night out (even if we were just walking down the street to our friend’s house!)  

For the past 5 years, this is a night I look forward to: the With Love fundraising event!

I eagerly anticipate and dream about the day when we can gather in person again at round tables, applaud the speakers on stage, and wander around the room scouting out auction items. I long to see familiar faces and give big hugs.

Oh, what a day that will be!!!

—- but until then, With Love was able to once again turn this night into a spectacular, virtual event!

This year people had the opportunity to purchase host kits and open their home to a smaller community of friends to view the virtual auction. Hosting a table included wine from Pamplin Family Winery and Raptor Ridge along with a charcuterie board from West Coast Grocery Company. 338 people viewed and engaged with this event!

The theme for this year’s auction was “We belong Together”, so relevant and appropriate after a year of separation and disruption during Covid.

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It also speaks about how the foster care community depends on us,  and how we depend on the community to support With Love. 

Having a place where you are known and where you cared for is vital. Children in foster care often times struggle with identifying their place in the world. This year more than ever, finding a place to belong was a struggle for many.
Personally, I especially cherished this night because we were able share it with friends, friends whom we haven’t been able to see quite as much this past year. The reunion was special; it was filled with conversation, laugher and of course, wine. 


We were then introduced to the new executive director Jill Orr who shared her heart of graditude for the amazing support and community.

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Following Jill, the Reynolds family shared their story of suddenly taking on the role of being a foster parent to their daughter’s child. Overwhelmed by the transition, they described how With Love supplied above and beyond for all their needs and thus, gave them the support they desperately needed to do the job well. 

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Next,  Allie introduced  Kevin Carroll, a Portland local who wrote a childrens’ book on belonging. His inspiration comes from his own childhood struggles of finding belonging living with his grandparents at an early age. His story of finding his belonging inspired me to look at my community differently and the impact I may be having on people that I didn’t even realize!


One of the things that sets With Love apart is the way they care for each child by curating a delivery with each child’s own unique characteristics and personality in mind.

During the event, viewers peaked “behind the scenes” of how a volunteer goes about hand picking items for a child. What really stuck out to me was how orderly, clean and neat everything was inside the warehouse. The variety and abundance of items was incredible. 

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The night ended by wrapping up the fabulous auction bidding, which included trips to Mexico, Hawaii and the Oregon coast. 

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Throughout the evening there was a rolling list of donors and donations.

It kept going and going and going, and by the end of the night, With Love exceeded its goal (of $103,000) and earned $134,000!

We left the auction feeling hopeful and grateful. It is evident that the impact With Love is making in the community is significant and vital. We feel honored to come alongside this great organization for another year, and we eagerly anticipate what lies ahead in 2021 and beyond.