Wanted, Chosen, Loved 2022

The anticipation had been building for two years.

Gathering together again for an in-person event seemed like a dream.

But when April 9, 2022 arrived, it was a dream that came true.

And what a beautiful, inspiring dream it turned out to be.

The long awaited night finally arrived, and it was truly a celebration, one that did not come without hours of preparation and volunteers.  

360 tickets sold, and they sold quickly, weeks before the event.

People were eager to gather and help make this happen.

Thirty volunteers contributed time and talent.

The day before, the National League of Young Men helped load items while a small team of volunteers took care of all the last minute details, like putting stickers on bid cards and setting up signage.

The night was abnormally cold for this time of year, yet guests arrived dressed elegantly, ready to have a good time.

Entering the Oregon Golf club was surreal. Guests stood around in groups, sipping wine, laughing and catching up. It was a reunion, as people embraced and reconnected after so much time. 

My husband and I have been to every With Love fundraising dinner event, and this year we could feel the energy in the room like never before.

After being greeted by our table host, we were directed into a side room, encouraged to engage with the experience, an interactive introduction to the mission and impact of With Love’s work. A table was covered with notecards that contained various stories of children in foster care. After reading over several heart warming stories, we selected one and took a picture holding the card.

This year several generous sponsors helped fund the event:

An so began our evening: Welcome to the 2022 With Love Benefit, “Wanted, Chosen, Loved.”

The theme this year was so appropriate to us personally. One of our dear friends finalized their adoption of their daughter from foster care this past January. She is truly an example of a child who was wanted and chosen, and she will be loved forever by her forever family. This is the heartbeat of With Love: Every child is worthy and not forgotten.

Watching our friend’s journey throughout the years, we had true insight of just how much With Love supported their family and their daughter. They were continually by their side, from the first uncertain night to their final delivery before she became legally theirs.

This night was a celebration of their story.

As we entered the main dining area under a magnificent heated tent, I was overcome with the beauty of the elegantly decorated tables and a room full of joyful people.

As the evening began, director Jill Orr and board chair Chylon Pappas came to the stage to welcome us,

followed by founder and president Allie Roth.

She entered the stage and took a moment to gaze out over the room, as it was truly an extraordinary, emotional moment. She expressed her gratitude and awe that we all showed up; after the tumultuous past two years, an evening like this is incredibly powerful and not taken for granted.

Dinner was served, wine was poured and the evening commenced.

Next up, former Oregon State basketball player and Blazer analyst, Lamar Hurd and his wife Bethany appeared on the screen, sharing their story of volunteering and their support for With Love. The video also captured Lamar making a special final delivery to our friends before they officially adopted their daughter.

  Patrick Silver, an animated and enthusiastic auctioneer commenced the evening by beckoning guests to have fun as paddles went up; money was raised and people cheered!

There were some great items this year, vacations to Cabo, a trip to Hawaii and a condo in Park City.  There was also a paddle raise for various amounts of money.

And the paddles just kept being raised.

It was pretty incredible to watch the support, love and generosity in the room.

After the auction, Allie presented the annual “Impact Award.” Marie and Neil Olsen were honored for their hours as a family volunteering this past year. 

As things seemed to be winding down, the greatest moment of the evening was still to come. Unbeknownst to Allie, the Walters Family Foundation presented an award and sizable check to With Love for their impact in the community. 

This not for profit organization in Portland recognizes individuals engaged in nonprofit work who exemplify Excellence in the Art of Change. During visits to potential recipients, reviewers seek to identify the degree of positive change, fiscal responsibility and community impact. To say that Allie was overwhelmed by this award and financial contribution was an understatement. Deep emotion could be felt throughout the entire room as she graciously accepted this honor. 

The evening concluded with a standing ovation and a real sense of hope for the future.

These past two years have been extremely challenging for so many people; nonprofits have been especially impacted by the lack of funding, volunteers and resources. However With Love has managed to not only stay open, but to thrive during this season.  

It was an extraordinary evening in so many ways; $294,000 was raised, and it was a true testament to the people who stand behind and believe in With Love and its mission. Undoubtedly, more lives will be impacted for the good this year, and love and support will continue to reach these children and families in our extraordinary foster care community.